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    Thursday, June 1st, 2006
    [ karlik88 ]
    а вот какие тортики вы выпикаем на уроках кулинарии
    завидуйте ёбта!!!!!

    И всё-таки, когда мы придём к власти, мы свалим в огромную кучу на Красной площади весь тираж всех центральных средств массовой информации с 1991 года, загоним наверх всех, кто в них писал, обольём бензином и сожжём нахуй к вящей радости праздной публики.
    А телевизоры и те, кто в них сидел, пойдут под бульдозеры на пепелище.
    Потому что гладиолус

    Доброе утро.
    Для любителей Джима Джармуша...

    Группа, в которой Джармуш играл и пел в начале 80-х... пластинка - 1984 г. По мне -  лучше, чем его фильмы.  В свое время он говорил, что его любимой командой является Television... обозвав их при этом Grateful Dead от панк-рока... Собсвенно, не соврал Джармуш - музыка очень не дурный пост-панк... в меру мрачный...

    Current Music: Del-Byzanteens - 03 War
    Сегодня кажется всемирный день борьбы с курением?.. Придется дымить  вдвое больше обычного - из вредности.

    Current Music: duran duran - austranaut
    Wednesday, May 31st, 2006
    [ slowmotionbirth ]
    диктатура пролетариата

    Состав РАППа:

    "первоначально редколлегия состояла из Л. Авербаха, А. Афиногенова, М. Гельфанда, С. Динамова, В. Ермилова, Г. Корабельникова, М. Серебрянского, Е. Трощенко и А. Фадеева, а с номера 4-го состав редколлегии изменился, в нее вошли: Л. Авербах, А. Афиногенов, Л. Бенде, Б. Буачидзе, Н. Дабагян, С. Динамов, В. Ермилов, В. Коваленко, М. Лузгин, И. Микитенко, М. Серебрянский, Г. Корабельников, А. Фадеев и Б. Ясенский."

    Thursday, June 1st, 2006
    thenulldevice 12:04a
    Left Behind: the video game

    A new video game is in the works in which the player plays a paramilitary soldier in New York whose job is to convert or exterminate nonbelievers and apostates. It's not the latest piece of viral jihadist propaganda from al-Qaeda, but the latest tie-in to the Left Behind movies, bound for a Wal-Mart near you in time for the Christmas shopping season:

    Imagine: you are a foot soldier in a paramilitary group whose purpose is to remake America as a Christian theocracy, and establish its worldly vision of the dominion of Christ over all aspects of life. You are issued high-tech military weaponry, and instructed to engage the infidel on the streets of New York City. You are on a mission - both a religious mission and a military mission -- to convert or kill Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, gays, and anyone who advocates the separation of church and state - especially moderate, mainstream Christians. Your mission is "to conduct physical and spiritual warfare"; all who resist must be taken out with extreme prejudice. You have never felt so powerful, so driven by a purpose: you are 13 years old. You are playing a real-time strategy video game whose creators are linked to the empire of mega-church pastor Rick Warren, best selling author of The Purpose Driven Life.
    I wonder whether some Qaedistas will end up hacking this into a jihad-themed game and distributing it to potential recruits. After all, it sounds like it'd only need cosmetic changes, such as replacing "the dominion of Christ" with "the Caliphate" and Muslims with Israelis or somesuch, and changing some dialogue.

    (via Boing Boing) [no comments]

    Wednesday, May 31st, 2006
    С фактами в руках
    Говорят, американцы не читают. Зашла в проект Гутенберг -- это наши баксы ихняя "библиотека Мошкова": 2 миллиона книг в месяц! Это с основного сервера, с зеркалов не считают. Вопрос, конечно, что читают. Вот вчера:

    1. Фигня какая-то.
    2. Surprize!!! Код да Винчи*.
    3. Фигня какая-то.
    4. Surprize!!! Камасутра.
    5. Фигня какая-то.
    6. "Гордость и предубеждение" Джейн Остин. (А вы говорите...)
    7. Фигня какая-то (я не нарочно, оно само так получается)
    8. Шерлок Холмс. (А вы говорите...)
    9. Искусство войны (6 век, Япония, а мы пока "Записки у изголовья")
    10. Библия с иллюстрациями Доре (а не абы как).

    И далее в первой двадцадке тип-топ: "Улисс" Джойса, "Машина времени", "Том Сойер", Данте "Божественная комедия" на 26-м (это, наверняка, студенты) и т.д.

    А у Мошкова, интересно, есть такая статистика? На каком месте у нас "КдВ"? А Данте где?

    В общем, сравнивать нужно с фактами в руках (когда они имеются, конечно).

    *Не "Код да Винчи", а рисунки. Вот так срабатывают стереотипы, уже не видишь ничего :(
    Thursday, June 1st, 2006
    Ура!!! Lenin.ru заработал!!!
    lqp 11:13a
    Динамо продукт тоталитаризма?
    Возмутила вчерашняя вечреняя программ по РТР - на протяжении 30 минут... столько я застал... меня убеждали в точ, что мой любимый клуб, созданный по инициативе Дзержинского, ответственен за сталинские чистки и прочие происки "кровавой гебни"... Сванидзе - автор и ведущий долго рассказывал об отсидке Николая Старостина... Вася Аксенов подпездывал: болеть за Спартак значило идти против системы...
    Какой-то дядечка рассказал, как в 50-е годы на футболе на трибуне поднялся мужчина и заявил: Те, кто болеют за Спартак, - сидели, сидят и будут сидеть... Вот это мне понравилось...

    Wednesday, May 31st, 2006
    Жду сигнала, знака.
    Волшебство должно появиться. Оно есть. Я знаю!!!!!!!!!!!
    Почему же оно прячется. (((((((((((((((((((
    Потому что хорошее всегда трудно видеть.((((((((((((((((((((
    На глаза лезет только мразь!!!!!!!!(((((((((((((((((((
    Мамашин козел был пойман за подглядыванием в душ. КОЗЕЛ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(((((((((((((((
    Thursday, June 1st, 2006
    странности переселения
    Как известно, одним из пунктиков демократов была дискредитация Севера. Развернулась бешеная пропаганда насчёт того, что-де приличному человеку на Севере и жить-то невозможно и что всех оставшихся приличных надо переселить в приличные места. И даже (видимо, в силу своего всем известного человеколюбия) начали переселять. И даже, говорят, деньги(!) под это дело какие-то выделили (которые, к счастью, никто так и не увидел).
    Удивительно (на фоне этой кампании), что никто почему-то даже не заикнулся о ликвидации Санкт-Петербурга. Хотя город не просто северный, а ещё и заболоченный (бр-р-р). Чего бы начать массовое переселение петербуржцев, скажем, куда-нибудь в Азов? Так нет, даже всё порывались туда опять столицу перенести!
    Кто их поймёт, этих демократов!
    Бисмарк подсуетился
    Пока славянофилы грезили об объединении всего славянства вкупе со всем мировым православием под эгидой русского царя, Бисмарк на практике осуществил этот проект в рамках немецкой ойкумены. А Гитлер потом полностью завершил это дело через аншлюс Австрии.
    признаки конца
    Помните, какой продукт первым пострадал от горбачёвщины?
    Им была... аджика!
    Возможно, далеко не все были поклонниками сего замечательного продукта-вырви-глаз, расфасованного в майонезные баночки, о котором можно сказать, что то было дёшево и сердито. И валялись эти баночки, часто с тронутой ржавчиной крышками, грудами в магазинах, поскольку их производство явно превышало спрос.
    И вдруг они... исчезли. Разом. Как корова слизнула с прилавков.
    Потом долгое время под видом благородной аджики как торговки, так и в магазинах предлагали какую-то жалкую пародию из томатов и чуть-чуть перца.
    И вот недавно появилась "Аджика по-грузински" (домодедовского разлива). И хочется воскликнуть (вслед за рекламой): тот самый чай!
    А это, наверное, ещё один из признаков того, что перестройке п...дец.

    Ой, зря я это запостил: Онищенко узнает и аджику запретит. Даже домодедовскую.
    Еще одна фотография, сделанная на нашей кухне.
    Сегодня. То есть, уже вчера.

    - . -  )
    Wednesday, May 31st, 2006
    [ drosera_aliciae ]
    A Play of White
    Vogue Italia May 2006
    A Play of White
    Tim Walker

    Read more... )
    эмотикон: проект
    Интересно, уже есть такой?



    Current Mood: curious
    Current Music: Beirut: Gulag Orkestar
    thenulldevice 6:49p
    The Wowserocracy vs. video games

    In Australia, there is no R rating for video games, and hence all video and computer games deemed unsuitable for children are illegal (either that or are shoehorned into the suitable-for-teenage-mooks MA category; after all, commerce is commerce); it is a similar situation to what existed with comic books in the US in the days of the Comics Code Authority and the red scare. 88% of Australians want a R rating introduced, recognising that video games aren't merely childrens' entertainment; however, it's not likely to happen any time soon, because a devoutly religious, ultra-conservative state attorney-general holds the power of veto:

    In order to change the current regime by introducing a classification bill before parliament, all nine state and federal attorneys-general must agree unanimously to the proposal for an R18+ games rating.
    South Australian Attorney General Michael Atkinson opposes the introduction of an R18+ classification for games which would bring interactive entertainment in line with other media like films and publications.
    An R rating would give the OFLC a lot more flexibility when dealing with borderline decisions like the recent controversial banning of Marc Ecko's Getting Up as well as sending a much stronger message to parents that not all games are suitable for children.
    Singapore is the only other Western country in the world not to have an R classification for games.
    I suspect that Atkinson isn't the only attorney-general who would veto a R rating. The federal government is quite close to the religious right, and I believe has previously opposed any moves that would Send The Wrong Message by legalising adults-only games.

    (And is Singapore really a "Western country" by any criterion? It's in south-east Asia, more Confucian than European in philosophy, somewhat authoritarian, and not, strictly speaking, a functioning liberal democracy. Though, being also descended from the institutions of the British Empire, it could be a model for a more orderly, efficient Australia.)

    [no comments]

    thenulldevice 4:40p
    Benedict XVI in Auschwitz

    Pope Benedict XVI, the first German-born pope, recently visited Auschwitz. However, his remarks there have left a bad taste:

    He stood in the extermination camp where millions died, but he did not utter the word "anti-Semitism", he did not offer an apology on behalf of Germany or the Church, he said nothing about the silence of Pope Pius XII during the Nazi years, nor did he, the former member of the Hitler Youth, offer any sort of account of his own dawning awareness of the horror created by the people democratically elected to rule his country.
    The Holocaust, then, according to Benedict, was only incidentally the extermination of the Jews. The true goal was the extermination of God and Christianity. So the German people were the Nazis' victims, used and abused by them, and Christians and Christianity even more so. In Ratzinger's Christo-centric vision, the Jews find themselves bit players - bystanders at their own extermination. The true victim was a metaphysical one.

    [no comments]

    thenulldevice 1:54a
    The Perfect Man

    There is a rather good hard-scifi story at Salon: "The Perfect Man" by Lauren McLaughlin. It's about a woman who has a virtual AI boyfriend made to order, who then transforms from adorably bumbling Hugh Grant-esque Hollywood Englishman stereotype to sinister, inscrutably calculating Hollywood Englishman stereotype:

    The design process is easy. First step: Pick a physical template. A youth squandered on Monty Python reruns left me with a full-blown kink for English guys, so I chose a template called "Nigel" -- think Michael Palin crossed with Laurence Olivier. Then, to assure he didn't look overdesigned, I clicked the "random factor" option to introduce "lifelike imperfections."
    If you want to know anything about the "human" rights travesty currently under way courtesy of draconian anti-AI laws, there's a whole subculture of liberationists ready to lecture you on it. They've got the skinny on behavioral inhibitors, recursive self-teaching limiters and other artifacts of AI "slavery." For my purposes, what it all boiled down was this: snip Pritchard's inhibitors or resign myself to dating a functionary. Do you want to date a functionary? Me neither. Thankfully, for every Webcop dutifully guarding the behavioral inhibitors of the thousands of AIs cropping up on the Web, there's a black market geek with the tools to snip.
    Now that I have my sanity back, I must dive deep into the black waters of her soul, excavate her most primal desires, and do what no human male has been able to do: keep her interested in me. Thankfully, I have one freedom human males do not -- the freedom to redesign myself. I can make myself so fascinated by Lucy that all I want to do is watch her, study her. A nip here, a tuck there, and voilà, I'm in love with the girl. Well, not in love, exactly. Love is still an alien concept. But I have made myself a bit of a stalker. And the more information I gather about my lovely little monkey, the more I can adjust my personality to suit her needs. Heck, I could turn myself into Prince Charming if I wanted. Something tells me that would not tickle Lucy's fancy. In fact, the more I learn about Lucy, the more I realize she doesn't know what she wants at all. She only thinks she knows. No, Lucy's desires are my nut to crack. And crack it I will. Or she'll crack me. Oh, I don't mean to sound morbid. I'm incapable of morbid thoughts. To mitigate the persistent fear of being snuffed, I've given myself a devil-may-care attitude about death. That way I can focus my energies more intensely on Lucy.
    Of course she doesn't know the contents of her subconscious. She lacks the processing power to unravel it. It's a number-crunching job, that's all. Humans, with your lovely little wet brains, will never achieve the self-knowledge you so desire.

    (via Boing Boing) [no comments]

    Monday, May 29th, 2006
    thenulldevice 8:19p
    iRiver MTP U-turn

    iRiver, the Korean MP3 player manufacturer started off making players that were USB mass storage devices; in other words, when plugged into a computer, they looked like a hard disk you could copy MP3 files to, which the device could then play. A while ago, seemingly persuaded by Microsoft, they abandoned this and replaced it with something called MTP, a proprietary Microsoft protocol for transferring audio files, which officially only works with Windows Media Player (sorry, Maccies and Penguinheads!). Now they seem to have realised the error of their ways (perhaps spurred on by other player makers, such as iAudio, proudly advertising that their devices look like standard USB hard drives that work with anything), and released a firmware update which lets users choose which USB protocol their player uses; for some of their players, at least.

    (via Boing Boing) [3 comments]

    thenulldevice 11:38a

    Amnesty International has started a campaign against internet repression. Named irrepressible.info, the campaign targets authoritarian/totalitarian regimes like Cuba, China, Iran and the friendly, open-for-business United Arab Emirates, which censor material the regime disapproves of, monitor the internet and jail dissidents, often with the help of compliant western companies like Yahoo!. There are resources detailing the extent of internet-based repression in various corners of the world, as well as a pledge to sign, which will be presented at a UN conference in November:

    In November 2006, governments and companies from all over the world will attend a UN conference to discuss the future of the Internet. You can help us send a clear message to them that people everywhere believe the Internet should be a force for political freedom, not repression.

    [no comments]

    Friday, May 26th, 2006
    thenulldevice 6:15p
    The 108-year War Tax

    The final chapter of the Spanish-American War is about to close, as the US Treasury Department prepares to eliminate a tax on telephone calls imposed to fund the war back in 1898 (back when telephones were a luxury item). It only took the bureaucracy 108 years, two world wars and the rise and fall of the Soviet bloc (not to mention the Spanish Civil War, the rise and fall of Franco's Fascism and Spain's accession into the US-allied NATO alliance, a mere 24 years earlier) to acknowledge that they are no longer at war with Spain.

    (via Gizmodo) [1 comment]

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