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Архивы френд-ленты Livejournal.com (Alexmsk: 02.2001-10.2002)

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Alexmsk's Livejournal Userinfo

User:alexmsk (228224)
Website:Deep Mix Moscow Radio
Location:Moscow, Russian Federation
ICQ UIN: 11017493 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Есть А.М. и есть А.М.
Memories:3 entries
Interests:27: clubs, deep house, dj, dj's, drugs, dub, etc..., gay, monty python, music videos, queer, rollo, sister bliss, tarantella, taschen, tech house, tiefschwarz, veejaying, vj, vynil, way out west, алкоголики, буковски, винил, наркоманы, пидоры, питоны (монти)
Friends:203: 0000, 0116, a3, about_us, aculeata, ado_clack, affectus, agavr, akademija, akost, akov, alexmsk, aloes, andrew_g, angstboy, anle, antigona, aodhfin, artforever, avva, barsuk, barvinok, bbb, bezdelnik, bswan, cameloid, cammm, caxap, churkan, clubs_ru, corsika, cyber_buddah, davidzilber, deephouse, detina, dimkin, dkuzmin, dll, dolboeb, drmabuse, drunia, egmg, ego, epstein, evgenij, evil_ninja, fadey, faina, fairfaith, favorov, fif, foma, fraublucher, frdv, gemini_snake, gera2, gollie, gospodi, gr_s, hhornton, idna, ikoev, ivand, izverg, judu, kenig, ketherioth, khot, kirill, kitaist, klmn_down_ru, kohout, korsun, kritias_boy, kukutz, k_sashka, ladusans, lapada, leda, lepin, levpir, lindberg, ljuser18, locki2000, lori_lo, losta, maksimka, marsia, masha, maza, med99, media, merzbow, metalnikov, mg42, miram, mithos99, mitia, mmxer, mnezhutka, molcha, montemsk, mrparker, mustafa, nevazhno, niceferret, nihuyator, nikto, nl, nochnoy, nord, o0o, olala, old_perdun, olshansky, olya, ooops, op, opossum, ostap, ozo, pafos, parf, paslen, pchela, persikoff, photographer, pint, plushev, polinezia, polter, proforg, quantum_angel, qub, ramil, redninja, ritam, rjohnson, robin_puck, rombeck, rulj, runetbook, rusgay, ru_dj, ru_klem, r_l, sanin, sap, sapfo, sashka, sashnik, satanstwin, screamager, sgt, sheb, sherman, showpanorama, siclear, simp, skotik, skuzn, slider, smaller, snaq, some, spacetime, spui, stanisc, sungwin, svetoff, swilf, tackom, thipharet, tiphareth, toshick, tsaza, turb0, uprise, urbansheep, var, varnav, varvanin, verba, verner, viesel, vitkovsky, werewitt, whitebear, wildbunch, windd, xfyre, yalo, yanis, yasha, ycuken, yuioot, zagonchik, zhe_zhe, zurfreude, _goof_, _ink, _putin_, _tau_
Friend of:222: 0000, 0116, 3axap, a3, aculeata, ado_clack, affectus, agavr, akov, alexmsk, aloes, anet, antigona, aodhfin, ap_, artforever, asinus, audraw, avva, a_m_s, baorui, barsuk, barvinok, bezdelnik, bigbang, bswan, bussy, cammm, churkan, cmm, const, corsika, darkves, davidzilber, deenka, dereza, detina, dimkin, dolboeb, drunia, dr_momm, dudochka, egmg, ego, emdin, emsi, epstein, evgenia, evgenij, evil_ninja, ezhinka, fadey, faina, fairfaith, favorov, felisss, fif, fm13, foma, fraublucher, gemini_snake, gopa, gospodi, helter_skelter, hhornton, homo_erectus, hroniki, idna, ikoev, ioc, ivand, ivushka, izverg, judu, kenig, khot, kirill, kitaist, kitchendick, kohout, kompotik, korsun, kritias_boy, ksorok, kukutz, k_sashka, labas, ladusans, lapada, lenkasm, lenka_diary, lepin, lgranats, lindberg, linxy, ljoshij, ljuser18, locki2000, lodka, losta, lr33, madagascar, masha, maza, media, merkulka, merzbow, metalnikov, mg42, miller, miram, mitia, mmxer, molcha, morra, mustafa, nafik, ncbc, nedrug, nemezido, nevazhno, niceferret, nightwindd, nihuyator, nikto, nochnoy, nofnord, nucleola, o0o, olala, old_perdun, olshansky, olya, ooops, op, opossum, ostap, ozo, pafos, parf, parisien, parvus, paslen, pchela, persikoff, photographer, pianohasbindrin, plushev, polinezia, polter, postoronnimv, prizzzrak, proforg, psr0833, pum_purum, quantum_angel, qub, ramil, rauxer, rjohnson, robin_puck, rombeck, ryzh, r_l, sanin, sapfo, sashka, sashnik, satanstwin, savva, schmalliott, seann, sgt, sheb, sherman, simp, skuzn, slider, smaller, snaq, snusmumrik, spui, squadette, stanisc, sungwin, svs, swilf, szhrlo, tackom, tamat, tchets, thipharet, tiphareth, tsaza, turb0, tuya, ugolek, uprise, ural_shaman, urbansheep, var, varnav, vera_faith, verner, vika, vile_bodies, vitkovsky, volkoff, vyastik, werewitt, wildbunch, wowa_bt, xfyre, xyu, ya, yalo, yanis, yasha, zhe_zhe, zmey_ka, zobuh, zurfreude
Member of:11: clubs_ru, deephouse, glasnost, insult, led_o_rub, lytdybr, rusgay, ru_dj, ru_klem, spacetime, sputnik_zhzh
Account type:Free User
Date created:2001-07-06 05:13:41
Date updated:2002-11-22 06:32:13, 2 days ago
Clients used:KDE-KLuJe: 0.7
Web: 1.0, 1.1
Win32-MFC-Sema: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2-beta6U, 1.2.1U
Win32-MFC: 1.4.7-beta-lite
Journal entries:258
Comments:Posted: 683 - Received: 825
Shared Journal Access:alexmsk can post to clubs_ru
alexmsk can post to deephouse
alexmsk can post to glasnost
alexmsk can post to insult
alexmsk can post to led_o_rub
alexmsk can post to lytdybr
alexmsk can post to ru_dj
alexmsk can post to ru_klem
alexmsk can post to rusgay
alexmsk can post to spacetime

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