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Архивы френд-ленты Livejournal.com (Enot: 02.2001-10.2002)

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2001: Февраль Март Апрель Май Июнь
Июль Август Сентябрь Октябрь Ноябрь Декабрь
2002: Январь Февраль Март Апрель Май
2 entries
33 entries
12 entries
9 entries
15 entries
42 entries
24 entries

Enot's Userinfo

User:enot (576725)
Name:Enot (female)
Location:6666, Massachusetts, United States
Bio:I was born long time back and I'm still around.
One of my friends from former Soviet Union summed up his achievements in the following list: "I'm PhD, VP and US citizen". I'm neither one.
I'm Director of e-klmn, Inc. - I gave this company a name and then it was used for some practical purposes.
The things I'm most proud of is that I had my daughter exactly when I wanted it most and that I earned some cash selling self-made hand-crafted wood stuff in Jerusalem while I was expecting her.
Following that my achievements were somewhat mediocre, though I created a very impressive piece of poetry:


Future plans: I plan to be around for a while.

Memories:24 entries
Interests:26: canoeing, chai, cheese, clockwork orange, dr. seuss, films, hard liquors, ingmar bergman, japanese design, near-death experience, oriental rugs, polyamory, slang, striptease, voyage, women, bersetzen, Туве Янссон, Чапаев, в Коктебеле, еноты, крутить динамо, правозащитное движение советского периода, рыбные скелеты, сленг, сыр
Friends:102: 0000000, 4may, aculeata, anya_anya_anya, aqualung, arctogaia, avrom, avva, a_m_s, a_v, bagira, bei_bab, boi_baba, borisl, bozi, call_me_al, catherina, daleko_blizko, dating, dima_l, dimkin, dolboeb, dontwait, drugnaroda, egmg, enot, eremei, evva, fima, frdv, freki, gematogen, gera, geshula, glck, glebsky, haron, inetmaster, i_not, jsn, kamushka, katyat, kitp, klmn, krylov, ksorok, la_dan, lbyf, leeloo_freeware, lenka_diary, lesolub, lierre, maccolit, manyam, martuanetta, mbo, meast_ru, mozgovaya, mozhno_kod, mrparker, m_l, nechaman, ooops, parf, pheophan, phyloxena, pinupgirls, polinezia, qub, rabinovich, ratri, reiko_reiko, rukids, rusam, ru_il_politics, ru_kitchen, ru_lit, ru_reading, ru_slang, sap, sasha_nova, sestra_milo, sgt, sguez, skromni, spiridon, sputnik_zhzh, suleimanych, telnikoff, tiphareth, ulov, uniqum, velik_moguch, verba, willy2001, xura, xyu, yalo, zagadki, za_granizza, zivago, zurfreude
Friend of:75: aculeata, anya_anya_anya, aqualung, asinus, avva, a_m_s, bagira, bei_bab, borisl, catherina, chanama, deadem, dima_l, dontwait, dyak, elja, enot, eremei, fif, fima, freki, fuckoff2002, gematogen, gera, guli, inetmaster, i_not, jskariot, kaliningrad, katyat, kitp, klm, krylov, la_dan, leeloo_freeware, leovas, lesolub, lierre, ljuser18, lost_touch, madagascar, manyam, mozgglaz, m_l, nechaman, okra, old_perdun, parf, pe3yc, phyloxena, polinezia, pompon, postman, queen_nefertiti, rabinovich, ratri, salamatik, sap, sertoun, sestra_milo, sguez, shaltai_boltai, skromni, spiridon, stamikar, suleimanych, telnikoff, tiphareth, transitive, vrml, xxi, yalo, yulia_z, yu_l, zurfreude
Member of:11: boi_baba, daleko_blizko, mozhno_kod, pinupgirls, rukids, ru_kitchen, ru_slang, ru_translate, sputnik_zhzh, sushi_ru, ulov
Account type:Free User
Date created:2002-05-30 09:05:00
Date updated:2002-11-24 00:16:18, 1 day ago
Clients used:Web: 1.0, 1.0s, 1.1, 1.1s
Win32-MFC: 1.4.6
Journal entries:167
Comments:Posted: 255 - Received: 270
Shared Journal Access:enot can post to boi_baba
enot can post to daleko_blizko
enot can post to mozhno_kod
enot can post to pinupgirls
enot can post to ru_kitchen
enot can post to ru_slang
enot can post to ru_translate
enot can post to rukids
enot can post to sushi_ru
enot can post to ulov

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