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Архивы френд-ленты Livejournal.com (Ljuser18: 02.2001-10.2002)

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2001: Февраль Март Апрель Май Июнь
Июль Август Сентябрь
22 entries
21 entries
15 entries
15 entries
2002: Январь
21 entries
13 entries
2 entries
9 entries
3 entries
3 entries
3 entries
1 entries
5 entries
2 entries
2 entries

Ljuser18's Userinfo

User:ljuser18 (347527)
Location:Krasnodar, Krasnodar region, Russian Federation
Memories:2 entries
Interests:13: (self)destruction of the universe, alka, birth, cats, copulation, death, magic, monty python, noise, signs, sounds, turn-based pc games, words
Friends:138: abse_ent, aculeata, agon, alexmsk, angina, anya_anya_anya, aqualung, ashuutanor, astrolog, barsuk, boi_baba, bris, comradal, dale__cooper, daseiner, dashka, deini, delenda, depression_, dima_l, dimkin, dolce_vita, dramafx, egmg, eismann, enot, escogido, evil_punker, evva, favorov, flatericka, frdv, french_man, fuga, furr, gella, gnoi, gotfried, horadrim, horsey, insult, irochka, ivand, jein, jeronim, jinxli, jul, juzz, kaledin, killa_bee, kirill, kittenish_co, korsun, krylov, lenkasm, lenka_diary, levpir, ljd, ljuser18, lori_lo, lork, losta, mairea, manual, marusja, masha, mbo, merzbow, metalnikov, mrparker, mtgru, mustt, nekto, nemiroff, neskazhu, nezhit, nnikif, not_a_boris, olshansky, pallada, parf, parvahti, pavell, pe3yc, phyloxena, pikitan, polinezia, prostoy, ratatawi, reincarnat, rjohnson, rogneda, rules, ru_barrett, ru_jah, ru_mat, r_l, sap, sasha_nova, sashnik, sergeyn, serg_a, sgt, sguez, sheb, sherman, shevaldin, skolopendra, skuzn, slider, smirnov, snorapp, sputnik_zhzh, suicidal_4_life, svetoff, tanya_lavruhina, tavy, telnikoff, tiphareth, tosha88, transitive, tsaza, uniqum, voronov, warhamster, who_killed_lora, xxxylia, xyu, yalo, yatsutko, y_d_dargye, zagonchik, zemfira, zhivodrist, zombi, _hh_, _lokki, _rada_
Friend of:66: aculeata, agon, alexmsk, antuan_moss, aqualung, ashuutanor, barsuk, bris, comradal, dale__cooper, daseiner, depression_, dramafx, favorov, fif, gella, gnoi, horadrim, irochka, ivand, jein, jeronim, killa_bee, kirill, kittenish_co, korsun, krylov, lenkasm, ljuser18, lork, mairea, merzbow, metalnikov, nekto, olshansky, parf, parvahti, pavell, polinezia, ratatawi, rjohnson, rogneda, sap, sashnik, sergeyn, serg_a, sguez, sherman, shevaldin, skolopendra, skuzn, smirnov, stronzo, suicidal_4_life, svetoff, tanya_lavruhina, telnikoff, tiphareth, transitive, voronov, warhamster, xxxylia, yalo, zombi, _hh_, _lokki
Member of:6: mtgru, rules, ru_barrett, ru_mat, sputnik_zhzh, who_killed_lora
Account type:Free User
Date created:2001-09-17 05:14:31
Date updated:2002-11-19 03:04:33, 5 days ago
Clients used:Win32-MFC-Sema: 1.2, 1.2-beta
Win32-MFC: 1.4.6
Journal entries:138
Comments:Posted: 241 - Received: 124
Shared Journal Access:ljuser18 can post to mtgru
ljuser18 can post to ru_barrett
ljuser18 can post to ru_mat
ljuser18 can post to who_killed_lora

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