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Архивы френд-ленты Livejournal.com (Nepomnyashy: 02.2001-10.2002)

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Nepomnyashy's Livejournal Userinfo

User:nepomnyashy (673023)
Name:Александр Непомнящий
Location:Ковров, Russian Federation
Friends:3: drugnaroda, priest_dimitriy, tiphareth
Friend of:29: akwaba, almutasim, arrival, baschmatschkin, chatlanin, drugnaroda, d_r, fif, hgr, irishnik, jskariot, lenok, lvk_, mkay422, nofnord, priest_dimitriy, sashnik, shapito, slider, tiphareth, toshk, tsarevitch, ur_all, vv_obmen, workcontrol, yushi, zlotin, zmey, zpaltus
Account type:Free User
Date created:2002-08-18 17:07:35
Date updated:2002-10-07 17:57:36, 6 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 1.0, 1.1
Win32-MFC-Sema: 1.2
Journal entries:5
Comments:Posted: 0 - Received: 6

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