Subject:      Christian pantheon and Lovecraft mythos
From: (Misha Verbitsky)
Date:         13 Feb 1997 00:36:18 GMT
Message-Id:   <5dtnm2$sn4$>
Organization: Sozialistisches Patienten Kollektiv
Reply-To: (Misha Verbitsky)
Newsgroups:   soc.culture.soviet,soc.culture.russian,soc.culture.purebred-sovoks,relcom.culture.underground,

                ``Happy birthday, Pigface Christus!'' -- Current 93

P. K. Dick napisal:

        29. We did not fall because of a moral error; we fell because
        of an intellectual error: that of taking the phenomenal world
        for real. Therefore we are morally innocent. It is the Empire
        in its various disguised polyforms which tells us we have sinned.
        ``The Empire never ended''.

        30. The phenomenal world does not exist; it is a hypostasis
        of the information processed by the Mind.

        48. Two realms there are, upper amd lower. The upper, derived
        from hyperuniverse I or Yang, Form I of Parmenides, is sentient
        and volitional. The lower realm, or Yin, Form II of Parmenides,
        is mechanical, driven by blind, efficient cause, deterministic
        and without intelligence, since it emanates from a dead source.
        In ancient times it was termed ``astral determinism''. We are
        trapped, by and large, in the lower realm, but are through the
        sacraments, by means of plasmate, extricated. Untill astral
        determinism is broken, we are not even aware of it, so occluded
        we are. ``The Empire never ended''.
                (From Tractates: Cryptica Scriptura, by Philip K. Dick)

Ehto sleduet ponimat' tak: real'nyj mir, kotoruyu obychnye lyudi prinimayut
kak dannost' -- ehto fragment kollektivnoj mifologii, takoj zhe kak, 
skazhem, mify drevnikh grekov, ili tam ``arijskaya nauka'' nacistov,
ili nauchnyj kommunizm. Poehtomu k mifam nado otnosit'sya tak zhe, kak
i k real'nosti, i izuchat' ikh, prinimaya kak dannost', konechno,
ne izbegaya togo zhe somneniya, kak pri chtenii gazet.

        I slept with Faith, and found a corpse in my arms on
        awaking; I drank and danced all night with Doubt,
        and found her a virgin in the morning. -- skazal Crowley.
Eshche on skazal, ``Doubt everything; doubt the Doubt itself''.
Tak i podojdem k sravnitel'noj mifologii.

Teper', rassmotrim obshchuyu paradigmu Lovecraftianskoj mifologii.
My nakhodim, chto soglasno Lovecraftu, sverkhestestvennye sushchestva
yavlyayutsya beskonechnym zlom, i ehto zlo i est' ikh moda
sushchestvovaniya, v nekotorom rode, est' samoe tkan' 
ehnergeticheskikh vikhrej, iz kotorykh ehti 
sushchestva sotkany, i prichem yavlyayutsya tem bol'shim zlom,
chem bol'shij interes k lyudyam oni proyavlyayut. V kazhdoj
mifologii est' svoj specificheskie iskazheniya -- ne vse
skhodyatsya s Lovecraftiantsami v etoj paranoidal'nosti. 
Poehtomu, esli podojti k delu bespristrastno, legko najti
paralleli mezhdu Lovecraftovskimi mifami i drugimi sferami
mifologii, kak naprimer Iudeo-Khristianskoj.

Seichas mozhno schitat' ustanovlennym, chto tsentral'nyj
personazh Khristianskogo mifa (Christus)
otozhdestvlen s tsentral'nym personazhem mifa lovecraftianskogo 
(Cthulhu) -- sm. naprimer
Perechislyu nekotorye iz tezisov:
1. Cthulhu umer i ne umer. Ego vozvrashchenie predopredeleno.
Est' veruyushchie, gotovye pojti na vse, chtoby uskorit' vtoroe
prishestvie ikh bozhestva (Cth./Chr.) 
V ``Apocalypse Culture'' Adama Parfrey ob'yasnyaetsya,
chto Reagan i ego sovetniki (J. Baker, Jesse Helms) 
prinadlezhali k odnoj iz takikh sekt, i staralis' provotsirovat'
Rossiyu na atomnuyu vojnu, potomu chto v ikh mifologii vtoroe
prishestvie nachnetsya s atomnoj bombardirovki Israilya
Gogom i Magogom (t. e. Rossiej). Ehtim,
kstati, ob'yasnyaetsya i rezkij povorot (na 180 gradusov)
prezhde fanatichno antisemitskikh konservativnikh senatorov
po otnosheniyu k Izrailyu -- togo zhe Jesse Helmsa. Otozhdestvlyaya
Christusa i Cthulhu, u ehtoj teorii nakhoditsya mnogo interesnykh
glubin. Opyat'-taki, Reagan i vyglyadel kak zhitel' Innsmoutha,
da i byl otkuda-to ottuda. I pochemu Reagana skryvayut ot publiki --
to li chto Alzheimer, to li on i pravda v Deep One prevrashchaetstya,
to li i to i drugoe...

2. Vozvrashchenie Christusa i vozvrashchenie Cthulhu budet oznachat'
konec smerti kak takovoj:

        That is not dead which can eternal lie,
        And with strange eons even death may die.

3. Chudesa Christusa osnovany na manipulyaciyakh
s vodoj: prevrashchene vody v vino, khozhdenie po vode...
Konechno, dlya interdimensional'nogo uzhasa, kotoryj seichas 
spit v zatonuvshem R'lyeth, net nichego trudnogo v khozhdenii
po vodam.

4. obeshchanie sdelat' apostolov rybolovami, ``fishers of men'' -- 
iskazhenie. Christus prosto namekal na uzhasnuyu transformaciyu, 
kotoraya ozhidaet posledovatelej Cthulhu (takikh kak Reagan) i ikh 
potomkov do devyatogo kolena --  prevrashchenie v lyagushkopodobnykh 
ili rybopodobnykh gumanoidov, ``fish-men''.

i t. p...

Teper', chto my mozhem skazat' o drugikh personazhakh 
Judeo-Christianskogo mifa? Poyavlenie Cthulhu predveshchaetsya
poyavleniem ego vestnika -- Nyarlahotepa. Nesomnenno, ehto
Ioann Predtecha. Soglasno Lovecraftu, Blizhnij Vostok, s tysyacheletnimi
kornyami kul'ta Magnum Mater -- Velikoj Materi -- ehto tradicionnoe
mesto pokloneniya Shubb-Niggurath, Black Goat of Thousand Young.
Dazhe imya Mary proizvoditsya ot odnogo iz imen Magnum Mater.
Samoe zhe interesnoe, chto JHVH-1, Nenazyvaemyj, odin v odin 
parallelen personazhu #2 mifologii: Hastur, He Who Is Not 
To Be Named. Obitayushchij na nebe (tochnee, v planetnoj
sisteme Hyades), Hastur byl otvetstven za sozdanie chelovechestva
i za Potop -- unichtozhenie Atlantidy. Napominayu, chto
mezhdimenzional'nye sushchestva, takie kak JHVH-1 ili Christus,
sushchestvuyut, pitayas' ehmanaciyami boli i stradaniya zemlyan -- 
neudivitel'no, chto Hasturu (on zhe Iegova) prishlos' unichtozhit'
naselenie Mummu i Atlantidy, chtoby prokormit'sya. Uzhasnye
prestupleniya i genotsid, sovershennyj vojskami evreev pod
predvoditel'stvom Hastura, opisany v Necrono... er, Biblii.
Unichtozhenie Sodoma i Gomorry, izdevatel'stva nad Iovom --
ehto tak, na zakusku. 

Kakie prakticheskie zaklyucheniya poluchyutsya iz ehtoj
interesnoj kartiny? Mozhno mnogo uznat' o Judeo-Christianskikh
mifologicheskikh personazhakh iskhodya iz svedenij ob
ikh Cthulhoidnykh prototipakh, i naoborot. Naprimer,
izvestno, chto ne vse Great Old Ones zainteresovany
v vozvrashchenii Christusa (Cthulhu) i unichtozhenii
chelovechestva: Jegova (Hastur), obitayushchij na nebe 
(Hyades) predpochitaet pitat'sya mucheniyami chelovecheskikh
sushchestv, i v unichtozhenii chelovechestva tselikom ne zainteresovan,
i poehtomu stavit prepony sluzhitelyam Cthulhu (Reaganu tam, pape).
Vo-pervykh, ehto razrushaet khristianskuyu lozh' o nerushimom
yakoby soyuze mezhdu sopernichayushimi khristianskimi bozhestvami
(Christuse i JHVH-1): oni mozhet i ne smertel'nye vragi
(dejstvitel'no, protiv lyudej ehti krovososy
idut edinym frontom), no skoree soperniki. Edinstvennaya
taktika vyzhivaniya dlya chelovechestva -- ehto ehkspluatatsiya
ikh sopernichestva. 

Urok iz ehtogo: dlya politika -- ne dopuskat' poyavleniya
edinogo fronta Judeo-Christianskikh gosudarstv, po vozmozhnosti
podderzhivaya raznoglasiya mezhdu Izrailem i prochimi tradicionnymi
centrami vliyaniya JHVH-1 (mozhno s natyazhkoj otnesti syuda 
pravoslavnye gosudarstva, kak poklonyayushchiesya bolee
ortodoksal'noj versii khristianstva) i atlanticheskim
soyuzom, kotoryj po svoemu geopoliticheskomu polozheniyu
tyagoteet k morskomu kul'tu Christusa. Ne dopuskat' rasshireniya
atlanticheskogo soyuza, i kalenym zhelezom vyzhigat' khristianstvo,
kak naibolee opasnyj kul't. Ne dopuskat' uvelicheniya urovnya
zhizni: chudesa Christusa imeli vid d'yavol'skogo izobiliya
posredi bednosti -- cf. brak v Kane Galilejskoj. 

Dlya maga (chert, ne znayu kak ehto po-russki). To devise
a ritual of Banishing of Christus. To devise a ritual
invoking JHVH-1 (calling Him by His real name gives immense
power over JHVH-1) and inducing Him to reverse the Christus' 
"wonders". Start from transforming plenty into few, wine in water. 
Socialism works this just wonderfully.

Generally, Socialism is the most wonderful method of banishing Christus
and his false ``wonders'' with the power of JHVH-1. I have written a 
separate essay, praising Judeo-Socialism as a truly Satanic cult.


The rise of Communism in Russia was obviously a Jewish plot.
Not many people realize that the rise of Satanism in 1960-ies
California was *also* the Jewish plot and these two conspiracies
COINSIDE. Anton LaVey, the notorious Satanist, 
is Jewish by maternal grandmother. No coinsidence,
his ancestors are from Russia. One of the much-discussed crimes of Lenin
was an execution of 100 Christian priests; the Satanists allegedly
kill priests by thousands. In modern Norway, the black metal 
Satanist youth drinks blood and arsonizes churches; in Moscow 
of 1930-ies, the Jewish Communists destroyed the monumental 
Temple of the Christ the Saviour. The banner of Satan was sighted
in the last days of the Communist defense of the Russian Parliament
in 1993, when, just as in the medieval Germany, hunderds of thousands of
Communist (read: Satanist, warlock) parliament defenders were
burned alive by Yeltsin's troops. 

The Jewish secret rites involve a ritual murder of a Christian
child; a notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley sacrificed 
felines and children and proclaimed 

``19. That which is to be denied shall be denied; that which is to be
trampled shall be trampled; that which is to be spat upon shall be spat

20. These things shall be buried in the outer fire.

21. Then again the master shall speak as he will soft words, and with
music and what else he will bring forward the Victim.

22. Also he shall slay a young child upon the altar, and the blood
shall cover the altar with perfume as of roses. ''
                                        (Liber Stellae Rubeae LXVI)

A Satanist (and a  Crypto-Communist) R. A. Wilson wrote a treatize
on the subject of human sacrifice (Illuminatus! trilogy,
Appendix Lameth).

It is easy to follow the genesis of the modern Communist
leaders to their Jewish Satanist roots.
It is no coinsidence that the last four letters of LENIN, if
written in Cyrillic letters, make eHuH: a cypher for
the Jewish Tetragrammaton, JHVH. Lenin, a known Jewish Mason who 
(according to Solzhenitsyn) dabbled in blackest studies and demonology 
took his pseudonym after the secret name of the Jewish Satan.

According to the medieval European Christians, the 
Jewish Messiah must be an Antichrist and the basest incarnation
of Satan. Jews believe that Messiah will come and restore the state
of Israel. Discounting the truth of Satano-Communist conspiracy,
this paradox cannot be resolved, because the state of Israel is
*already created* and thus, must have been created by the Jewish 
Messiah who is an Antichrist. The state of Israel was created by
the allegedly secular Communist Ben-Gurion. Knowing that the
Communism is a modern cover-up for black worship, this can be 
resolved: Ben-Gurion _was_ a Communist Messiah -- Satanic Messiah.
Anton LaVey, another notorious Satanist, boasted of his
friendship with Ben-Gurion's son. LaVey worked as a Zionist
fundraiser and claimed that Ben-Gurion felt allegiance to
the Satanist ethics. No wonder: you cannot get more Satanic 
than a covert reincarnation of Satan.

Draw a blood-red five-pointed star -- star of Solomon --
inverted, and put the Hammer and the Moon-Sickle in the middle. Write 
the letters LENIN in by the corners of the star and JHVH along
the sides of the middle pentangle. Let ``ave Satan'' and 
``Rege Satan'' be written above and below your sigil. 
Celebrate. Rejoice. Kill, murder and commit
usury. Our destiny lies with our ancestors.


Long Satan and Babylon are walking... -- C93