``puteshestvie dyulyungov'' |
``nepostizhimaya legkost' bytiya'' |
``temple of Pan in Nynevia'' |
``the Holy Messenger'' |
``the vehicle of Gods'' |
``chest' i poryadok'' |
``Romans in Britain'' |
``speak proper English!'' |
``torzhestvo Chuchkhe'' |
``the flaming pits of Gehennom'' |
``geometry of Evil'' |
``a leech'' (`piyavka'), 28.4.90 |
``open society'' |
``attack of the Red Satan'' |
``blagimi namereniyami... (26.6.90)'' |
``the tower of the end of the world'' |
``look back in anger'' (after Ed Wood Jr.) |
``suda argonavtov'' (flipside of `the tower') |
``deviate'' |
``kto vinovat?'' |
``terminal kaleidoscope'' |
``orel, telec i lev'' |
flipside of `deviate' |
flipside of `terminal' |
``slepaya'' |
``na torzhishche'' |
``mnogorukij bog Dalajna'' |
``in the bowels of earth'' |
``great fire in Babylon'' |
``cosmic Shiva'' |
``pust' sil'nee gryanet burya!'' |
``And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; and the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.'' -- Rev. 8.10,11