Yulya Fridman ([info]aculeata) wrote,
@ 2002-03-03 13:49:00
О международной политике
Пророческие строки Маттью Томаса (Mathew Thomas)
из кн. "Terror Firma":

'Overnight there have been alarming developments
in the former Kingdom of Urgistan. Our friends
in British Intel are getting very hot under their
starched collars. At this point reports are
sketchy, but I can present you with my initial
analysis right now.'

The President blew a smoke ring and did his best
to look thoughtful. In fact he failed to get past
'used-car salesman picks underwear'.

'Urgistan, eh? Can't have any sort of hoo-haa
in our backyard, now can we? Never did trust
those Latinos -- always swarming across the border
looking for work or hand-outs.

Next to him the Secretary of State coughed nervously.

'Urgistan is in Central Asia, sir. It's a poverty
stricken nation high in the Himalayas. About as
far away from us as you can get -- without travelling
into space.'

The President chewed on his cigar for a moment.

'Central Asia, Central America, wa-hey. So what?
Have you ever noticed how all the continents' names
end with the same letter they begin with? Spooky,
ain't it.'

[info]ashuutanor меж тем возражает против Бабской Пизды.

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2002-03-03 03:49 (link)
Возражая, я тем самым её (пизду) и утверждаю.
Что то вроде )того.

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