Misha Verbitsky (![]() @ 2002-12-02 14:59:00 |
Current mood: | ![]() |
Current music: | Human Greed - CONSOLATION |
may not be reproduced
The legitimacy of intellectual property
is often disputed, from ethical as well
as practical point of view. When I received
a letter which said
NOTICE: This correspondence is the intellectual property of
LiveJournal.com and may not be reproduced in any form, electronic or
otherwise, without the express written permission of LiveJournal.com.
Any reproduction of this correspondence on LiveJournal itself, with or
without this notice of copyright, may be grounds for the immediate
suspension of the account or accounts used to do so, as well as the
account or accounts to which this correspondence was originally sent.
I could not believe my eyes, because it is not only
quite immoral, but actually illegal. The practice of
non-disclosure agreements is despicable by itself;
however, the Abuse Team presumes that every user
of Livejournal.com has already SIGNED such an
agreement, and to disclose the Abuse Team
letters is illegal.
This is blatantly false.
By aiding and abetting such a brutal abuse of
power, the Livejournal administration sets an
example of dishonesty, cowardice and untruth.
Of course, the Livejournal administration is free
to suspend or delete any account if it likes.
However, explaining the arbitrary suspensions
by spurious issues of intellectual property
the Livejournal does itself a disservice.
I understand that some sort of moderator
community is truly necessary. I understand
that the Abuse Team is an unpaid community
of volunteers. I understand that not every
abuse report should necessary be published.
Still I object, in the strongest terms
possible, to "This correspondence is the intellectual
property of LiveJournal.com and may not be reproduced"
notice. I think it's immoral (making spurious
intellectual property issues is the common practice
of corporate fascists and censors), illegal
(I haven't signed any non-disclosure
agreements) and impractical (the blank
secrecy necessarily and always breeds
the most horrible power abuse).
As Thoreau wrote
" Under a government which imprisons any unjustly,
the true place for a just man is also a prison."
If Livejournal administration deletes a user
on the base of a policy which is immoral, illegal
and impractical, the true place for any just
man is to be deleted.
Delete me if you like.
Dear LiveJournal user XXXXXXXX,
It has come to our attention that you have been adding a large number of
users to your Friends list recently. Adding users to your Friends list
is not a violation of the LiveJournal Terms of Service
you have added ask you to remove them from your list, we would ask that
you please do so immediately and without comments to them that might be
seen as offensive. This request is not meant to censor you, only to keep
all of LiveJournal's users from being harassed in any way.
If we continue to receive complaints about your conduct, further action
may be necessary. We hope that this situation may be resolved quickly
and without any intervention by us.
Regards, LiveJournal Abuse Team
NOTICE: This correspondence is the intellectual property of
LiveJournal.com and may not be reproduced in any form, electronic or
otherwise, without the express written permission of LiveJournal.com.
Any reproduction of this correspondence on LiveJournal itself, with or
without this notice of copyright, may be grounds for the immediate
suspension of the account or accounts used to do so, as well as the
account or accounts to which this correspondence was originally sent.
![]() | ![]() 2002-12-02 07:19 (link) |
Было бы интересно то, что до лж-ката, послать в Абьюз Тим (открыть новый саппорт реквест в категории абьюз), чтобы узнать их мнение. Но только без delete me, неохота совсем разрушить ЖЖ, а какой же Же Же без Вербита? ![]() (Reply to this) (Thread) |
![]() | ![]() 2002-12-02 07:37 (link) |
Думаю, что до delete дело не дойдет. С другой стороны, подобных статей граждане из abuse team читали тоннами. Их логика в общем понятная - они хотят быть во всем и всячески nice and friendly, а в ситуации гласного обсуждения никакое nice and friendly не выдерживает. В Юзнете самые лютые стукачи были из rec.pets.cats (любовь к кошкам, в Америке, это вид разжижения мозгов - портреты кошек, ковры с кошками, все розовое такое и в жутких цветочках). Граждане из abuse team все именно такие же. Такие дела Миша. (Reply to this) (Parent) |
![]() | ![]() 2002-12-02 12:57 (link) |
Both sentences in the Notice are technically correct and I don't see anything strange about them. Of course, lumping them together is stupid, as they have nothing to do with each other. (Reply to this) (Thread) |
![]() | ![]() 2002-12-02 13:32 (link) |
Certainly. However, as it is written now, the Notice gives an impression that one implies the other. Worse, under the "fair use" statutes, one IS ENTITLED to quote all incoming e-mail, assuming the quoting is not excessive. One may argue that to quote the message fully would be "fair use" as well. The Abuse Team claims that its intellectual property is immune to the fair use; this is patently false. Eroding "fair use" is one of the most dangerous tendencies in the recent development of the copyright law. That's why the Abuse Team policy is damn ugly, self-serving and totally intolerable. All the best Misha. (Reply to this) (Parent) (Thread) |
![]() | ![]() 2002-12-02 13:48 (link) |
With the exception of the last sentence, basically, yes. Again, potentially misleading, probably, yes; illegal, no. There is nothing illegal if I proudly announce "No U.S. citizen can go to the bathroom without my express written permission." There is no law that forbids me from claiming that. Whether there is any way of enforcing this claim is a different question. (Reply to this) (Parent) |
![]() | ![]() 2002-12-02 16:12 (link) |
На самом деле здесь имеем всего лишь несоответствие Правил предоставленному Сервису. Проблема решается чрезвычайно просто - чтобы избежать Friendship Harassment, надо: (а) еще одна "опция" в персональных установках, (б) возможность удалять из "friend-of". Так что эту проблему должна решать вовсе не Abuse Team. Вместо того, чтобы требовать соблюдения данного правила, надо просто предоставить возможность его соблюдать. |
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