Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth) wrote,
@ 2004-03-16 03:08:00
Current mood: tired
Current music:Endraum - Der Leanderkern

My God, is everyone in this movie gay but me?
Ура! Выпустили роман по
фильму "Fellowship of the ring"!

Получилось в 500 тысяч раз лучше, чем у Толкиена

Особенно вот

Автор [info]cassieclaire


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2004-03-15 21:11 (link)
Про этого активиста ты, наверное, слышал:

"Interleaved with Sir Ian's full diary of acting engagements, he finds as much time as he can to support STONEWALL GROUP UK (website: www.stonewall.org.uk) of which he is a founder-member. Stonewall works to establish legal and social equality for lesbians and gays in the United Kingdom. As well as serving as a member of Stonewall, Sir Ian is chair of the IRIS TRUST, the charity attached to Stonewall."



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2004-03-15 22:06 (link)

Fell into shadow. Balrog such a prat. Had to do some quite
unspeakable things before he would let me leave the caverns.
Have decided not to tell the rest of Fellowship. Will make up
story about having engaged in huge battle instead.

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2004-03-16 10:03 (link)
Этим дневникам уже года 2-3, а может и больше. Но все равно смешно.

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2004-03-17 21:13 (link)
Кассандра Клэр известна своими фанфиками к Гарри Поттеру. На мой скромный взгляд, ничем не хуже оригинала, а во многом и лучше. Она, кстати, ведет свой журнал [info]epicyclical в LJ.

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