Announcing my homepage

From: (Misha Verbitsky)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.soviet
Subject: Announcing homepage
Date: 26 May 1995 01:13:00 GMT
Organization: Sozialistisches Patienten Kollektiv
Message-ID: <3q39us$>

Dear firewnds and gentlebeings,
also: ladybugs and maledictors.

Here I am, announcing my homepage.
My homepage can be accessed at
It contains a text for most of my professional (not that it is interesting
to you, my gentlebugs and firendbeings). It also contains poems
of Fligenko, big, soft and sensous works of Fligenko, rich with 
ladylike flavour. Anatoly Vorobey and Alex Burshtein gentlemanry 
supplied their own creamy fluids of Fligenko stream.

My archive... Ugh... Agh... contains many works of substance.
Ugh... Agh... Come to look at heavy muscled rectopode 
of Mutlu, the ripe womanhood of Patricia Margareth Schwartz,
the thick and creamy fluids of poems by Soyuz Pisatelei...
Come... Come... I want your fluids.!!! Ugh!!!! Ugh!@!!!

Wiping the screen clean, I tell you about the recent additions.
These are my hotlist (unabashed), a listing of interesting music
WWW sites, a lot of Fligenko, a poem by Soyuz Pisatelei (attached)
and some minor embellishments in the SCS poetry archive.

Come! Come! Come into me, ye who die from thirst and lack
of money.


P. S. The last piece of Soyuz Pisatelei:

       * * *

Negde zhit`! Ushli sosedi, --
Lish` v kamorke tusklyj svet.
Na skamejke spyat medvedi,
Na okne stoit predmet.
Sej predmet est` strashnyj venik,
Ved`m lyubimyj kon`. No on
Vdrug vzmetnulsya. Kucha deneg
Poyavilas`, slovno slon.
Zazveneli zolotye,
Rassypayas` po uglam,
I medvedi ochen` zlye
Vse sobrali, slovno hlam. (K. Guzovsky, A. Khachaturyan).